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St Marnock's National School, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin
Admissions for 2025-2026 Admissions will open at 9 am on Wednesday 8th January and will close on Wednesday 5th February at 4 pm. Please click on the Admissions tab for our online application form and instructions for completion.
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Cyber Safety

GER BRICK: InetSafetytalk Parent Information Evening Material:

The material Ger Brick presented to parents of 5th and 6th classes re Cyber Safety is now available for viewing at .

Parents should use username parentinfo and password of inetsafety55 to access the page and presentation.  

Note: Ger Brick has advised us that in order to protect the content of his material, the files are password protected with a password of inetsafety55. He kindly requests that the information is to be used by parents for their own personal use and the information contained is not to be distributed or published to social media.