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St Marnock's National School, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin

Marnock's Music Group Reach Final

28th Feb 2025

We are delighted to announce that Marnock’s Music Group has been selected as one of six primary schools in Ireland to compete in the final of the Walton’s RTE Lyric FM Music for Schools competition in the National Concert Hall on Monday 24th March. The news was announced on RTE Lyric FM today at 12pm and was greeted with much celebration and cheering on the corridors of St. Marnock's N.S.

Before Christmas, Ms. Kenealy, Ms. Murphy and Mr. Maughan started a music group consisting of thirty-seven musicians and singers from Junior Infants to Sixth class. The primary purpose of the group was to enter the competition. Teachers and children collaborated in an after-school music club to come up with words and music based on the competition theme for 2025, the Key of Life. Ms. Kenealy gathered the ideas that emerged from the club and wrote an original composition called “The Key of Life”. After Christmas, teachers and students collaborated to come up with vocal harmonies and parts for each instrument which include piano, saxophone, violins, guitars, congas, maracas, whistles and recorders. Éabha Fogarty and Ms. Murphy created an art piece for the performance of the song which consists of five coloured petals that come together to create a flower. It was an intense but productive three weeks and eventually, the group were ready to record a video of their composition on the stage in the school hall with lights and microphones.

We are now pleased and delighted to say that our video entry was successful! Marnock’s Music Group are in the final and will represent our school in the National Concert Hall on Monday 24th March. 

Here is that video: