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St Marnock's National School, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin

Deirdre's retirement

18th Jun 2024
Last week we marked the beginning of the end of the career of Deirdre Johnson in St. Marnock's NS. Deirdre has been secretary in the school for four decades and has worked under three different principals. She has been an amazing asset to the school and her depth of knowledge and skill knows no bounds. 

Last Thursday, Deirdre came into school and began work in her office on the school reports as she does at this time every year. Little did she know that we had been rehearsing a song written by Mary Kenealy in her honour for the last three weeks. Speakers and microphones were set up out in the back yard and musicians and the choir got into position. All the children and teachers in the school filed out and took their positions in the audience. A special seat was arranged for Deirdre so she could savour the show. 

At the last minute, Deirdre, still not knowing what was about to happen was escorted from her office to the back through a guard of honour consisting of the Sixth class children. When she was seated, Ms. Trimble made a touching speech thanking Deirdre for her years of service to the school. Then the musicians, Mr. Maughan, Ms. Kenealy and Ms. Murphy played the opening bars to the song "All the Ways". When the whole school started to sing, the effect was amazing and it must have been overwhelming for Deirdre. 

After this, it was time for a dance and a version of 90's dance anthem "Freed from Desire" (renamed as "Free to Retire") was performed and a troupe of dancers performed a special dance for the occasion. Again the effect was great as the whole school sang along and danced to the tune. 

Deirdre only has a few more days of work in the school remaining and the staff will give her a proper Marnock's send off on Friday 28th June with a party in her honour.