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St Marnock's National School, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin
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Camogie Update

30th Apr 2024

Our Senior Camogie team has played three games in total this year. The team were faced with extremely tough fixtures, especially with the fixtures being condensed with confirmation and clashes with other sports. 

They played their first game away to Marino GNS. This was a tough game against another fantastic school and was tight throughout the entire encounter. Our girls showed massive commitment, skill and passion throughout the day but unfortunately just fell short on the day. 

Next came the local derby. St Helen’s National School. The battle of Portmarnock. 
As the quote goes, “ A derby is a derby. When you play a derby, it’s for winning, not just to play”. The girls put in a gallant performance on the day. Emotions were high. The skills on show from both team were unbelievable. A day where friends on the same team became enemies for 40 minutes. The game ended a draw. The only way to describe it is that all of the coaches in Naomh Mearnog should be proud of how the girls on both teams performed. 

Our final game was against St Fiachras. A tough one for Mr Spellacy and Mr Scallan, playing against their own National School. Fiachras proved to be too much on the day. They won by a goal. The performance of our girls was fantastic. These girls are out nearly every day between camogie, soccer, football, basketball, Irish dancing and gymnastics. They were fantastic all throughout. 

Well done to the girls on a fantastic year in camogie and we in St Marnocks wish the 6th class girls the best of luck with their clubs in the future. 

A big thank you to parents for support and for lifts to all of the games. Finally a big thank you to teachers for giving up their time before and after school to help out with all of the teams.