Access Keys:

St Marnock's National School, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin
Admissions for 2025-2026 Admissions will open at 9 am on Wednesday 8th January and will close on Wednesday 5th February at 4 pm. Please click on the Admissions tab for our online application form and instructions for completion.
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Bike week 2023

12th May 2023

Cycling and scooting are great ways to enjoy exercise while getting some fresh air. It also promotes confidence in children to travel independently and is a sustainable and cheap climate action we can all build into our daily lives.

Bike Week takes place from 13th – 21st May 2023. Throughout the week Fingal Co. Council will be offering a programme of events designed to celebrate cycling while including people of all ages and abilities (see for more information).

St. Marnock’s NS has registered to take part in the Bling your Bike competition being promoted by Fingal Co. Council.  Bling your Bike day will take place in our school on Friday 19th May.  Our school has an organised group of children cycle to school each Friday as part of a Cycle Bus initiative led by parents. This is a great way to promote cycling and we are grateful to the parents involved who lead this project.  We are also aware that many other children cycle to school too and therefore we have installed a number of extra bicycle racks this year to cater for our cyclists.      

We encourage any children who wish to cycle and take part in next Friday’s Bling your Bike competition. They may cycle their bikes to school already ‘blinged’ up for a fun start to the day (See attached Bling your Bike promotion sheet). Photos will be taken at school and then submitted to the Fingal Co. Council Bling your Bike competition.  

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