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St Marnock's National School, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin
Admissions for 2025-2026 Admissions will open at 9 am on Wednesday 8th January and will close on Wednesday 5th February at 4 pm. Please click on the Admissions tab for our online application form and instructions for completion.
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Back to School!

12th Mar 2021

We are delighted to be back to school in Ms. Kennedy's 2nd class and we have been really busy over the past two weeks. 

We are making the most of the sunshine and getting outdoors as often as we can. It is great to play some of our favourite games like benchball and rounders together again. We have also learned the rules of Capture the Flag and tested out obstacle courses. We are enjoying Irish treasure hunts and practicing our tables using chalk. 

Back in the classroom, we have been learning about plant life cycles and we are patiently waiting on our sunflower seeds to grow. While we wait, we are busy learning how to play chess, write persuasive letters and become experts at telling the time!