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St Marnock's National School, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin
Christmas Holidays [3rd January 2025]
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Ahoy there me hearties!

13th Nov 2020

This week 3rd class were challenged to make a boat and this Friday we set sail in our class! Well done everyone for making their boats with a variety of different home based materials. Some children uploaded their pictures on the Seesaw app so well done to those who worked so hard at home!

We are studying Christopher Columbus in History so it seems fitting the we would attempt to make a vessel of our own, like the Pinta the Nina or the Santa Maria! 

We had great fun making 2 tests for our boats to see how sea worthy they were. In a large water container we tested-

  1. Could the boat float? We counted for 5 seconds and observed what happened when the boat was placed in the water.
  2. Could the boat sail? Given a gentle push can the boat sail in a line towards the other side of the container. 
  3. Can the boat withstand a 'storm'? Using hands to make waves in the water we observed how the boat withstood the conditions and described what happened. 

We had such fun with our experiment but some boats survived better than others. Could they make it across the Atlantic to America? Thats a test for another day!